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We’re All Plastic People Now

Plastic pollution has become ubiquitous, with plastic particles found in…

Border Invasion

The US government working hand in hand with Non Government…

Chip Roy Responds to “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023”

Roy said the House was unable to debate or amend…

Pastor Weaver – Sermons of Importance

These are sermons all should listen to, for in this…

Resurrection of Christ & Last Supper

Which day of the week in the proper day for…

3 Crosses – 1956 Easter NYC, America Now in Depravity

Below Article Published 9 Years Ago On April 5, 2015…


Americans expect the chief law enforcement agencies of the federal…


Leading news editors confess on camera how journalists worldwide are…

Is There a Prophetic Gap or Antichrist in Daniel’s 70 Weeks?

Read on for an examination of Daniel 9:24-27. A Debated…

Elections – Something Is Wrong With This Picture

STATE OF DENIAL - ARIZONA - 'State of Denial' tells…

What is the Tribulation?

Steve Gregg breaks down what the Bible says and what…

Plandemic (Part 2) INDOCTORNATION

PLANDEMIC 2 (aka INDOCTORNATION) featuring white collar crime investigator, Dr.…

Let My People Go

Here is the full free version of "Let My People…

Letter To The American Church | Eric Metaxas

Film - Letter To The American Church PDF - Barmen…

What is Eschatology?

The Reformed Classicalist - The first of a series on…

Preterism, Futurism, Historicism, or Idealism?

Biblical Theology - Systematic Theology We are told that there…

Why “Judeo-Christian” Is An Oxymoron!

‘Judeo-Christian’ Is An Oxymoron! - 4 Years Ago Written by:…

Pastor Chuck Baldwin – Prophecy Message Series

This is a series of messages on prophecy preached by…

Revelation 16: Summary and Highlights

A Preterist Commentary on Revelation 16: Summary and Highlights In…

The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism, Reviewed by Gary E. Gilley

Video Below Premiered Aug 23, 2023 - The direction of…

Understanding Hermeneutics: Unlocking Riches of Biblical Interpretation

Introduction Hermeneutics, derived from the Greek word hermeneuo, meaning "to…

Glenn Beck -Why Did Tucker Interview Putin

Tucker Carlson just did something that no other Western journalist…

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