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Letter To The American Church | Eric Metaxas

  1. Film – Letter To The American Church
  2. PDF – Barmen Declaration
  3. Video – Interview of Eric Metaxas
  4. Audio – The Times That Try Men’s Soul

The history of the eternal battle between good and evil can be best understood through the wise words of Edmund Burke: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Despite the apparent majority of good-hearted individuals, it is often the evil ones who emerge victorious. The key lies not in numbers, but in the courage of those who uphold righteousness to stand up and defend what is just. This unfortunate cycle has repeated itself countless times throughout history, as depicted in various scriptures.

Regardless of whether you agree with Eric Metaxas’ persuasion on the topic he discusses, it is clear that he sheds light on the current state of the American church. While some may disregard or oppose Metaxas due to his associations with individuals who do not align with their beliefs, it is important to focus on the message being conveyed. Hopefully, this message will strike a chord with those who question the state of today’s Church and those who have become complacent, similar to what happened in Germany in the 1930s.

The film lays out the parallels between early 1930’s Nazi Germany and other totalitarian regimes with what is happening in America today and how the church has been mostly silent facing this evil.

Letter To The American Church

This film is a wake-up call to the church to stand up and speak out against the evil that is manifesting in our country. Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas. For more information, including how to purchase DVDs and request the film be shown at your church, click here.

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The Times that Try Men’s Souls

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