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The US government working hand in hand with Non Government…

RINO Sen. Lankford Will Permit Entry of Up to 5,000 Illegal Aliens Daily

Senate leaders on Sunday released the details of a long-awaited…

Mass Migration Trail From Quito, Ecuador to the United States

In the below video documentary, you will learn how the…

It’s Not a Friendly Migration

Migration is a term used for birds that temporarily fly…

Biden NSA To Spy On Americans, Fake Terror Alert Issued By FBI

Facial Recognition Technology Based On Fake Terror Alert Issued By…

Open Borders Invasion – White Replacement / States Rights

You’re about to see and hear a special and urgent…

Video Contradicts Mainstream Media, Other News Events Of – 01/29/2024

Tonight – a new video from the border standoff in…

Invasion of American – Illegal Immigration

Videos Exposing Take Down of the United States. Early on…

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