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A Jew’s Perspective

Who else is still in disbelief that individuals who previously said “you can’t trust what’s on the news” now believe it?

Fill in the blank with any headlines you want because I’m not just talking about Israel/Palestine. Apparently some topics are just off-limits for questioning.

In the pursuit of truth, those of us with a genuine desire for knowledge are not constrained by any subject matter. We challenge ourselves to dig deeper regardless of the topic.

This is where some people might begin to notice that things aren’t aligning with reality, but of course they’re gaslit when they try to point this out.

In this age of informational warfare and overload, we are witnessing people who have endured unbelievable circumstances, ones that would cause most people unimaginable anguish, despair, or heartbreak, yet they seem remarkably unaffected or even slightly cheery as they deliver their script.

Ask yourself: Does this match up with reality? Does this look real or fake or are you being gaslit and manipulated? Who is this serving?

Some topics are intentionally divisive and contentious in order to quell the natural curiosity of those of us who are capable of critical thinking and who question the veracity of the claims being made.

And because there is still a lot of buried truth and manipulated information, the vast majority of us should have more questions than answers.

The Israel–Palestine conflict is a prime example of a divide-and-conquer strategy in the works. People are being pressured into choosing a side and for some reason, people mistakenly believe that only two sides exist.

I hope you’ll read the following letter from a Jewish Healthy American who wrote to me recently about her perspective on the Israel/Palestine incident:

“Hello Peggy, 

I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate this deep dive. I am of Jewish descent and take zero offense to anything you have said about any of this. In fact, I agree with you. I have been telling people for years that jews are not the only Semitic people. I am Ashkenazi Jewish and there is speculation we are not Semitic at all, but that is a whole different topic. I even wrote PragerU recently because they described the Hamas attack as antisemitic and I asked them how it could be antisemitic when the Arabs are Semitic people too. They have not gotten back to me. I realize not everyone in that region is Arab. I guess Palestine has a pretty mixed ethnic background. As a Jewish person, I feel it is important to be precise and accurate in our language and to only apply the term antisemitism to one group of people, and not by any means that largest group, is misleading. Have you looked into some of the background of when and why they started using that term in that context?

I completely agree with your conclusion. They knew something was coming. It has been planned. This term (Antisemitism) has been used for a long time to shut down investigation and criticism. I am praying every single day for peace. I hope people see what is going on. War just leads to death and destruction and benefits nobody but the parasites. It seems many are also calling for peace. I don’t know how long they can play the bigot card when huge percentages of people want peace and the ceasing of killing humans. Their tricks just don’t have the power they once did. I am pro-peace and long have been. I value human life. I value people having a place to call home. I value people not being subjected to atrocities, traumatized, displaced, harmed, feeling constant fear, and being murdered. How could this be called bigotry? It is a deep love and reverence for all humans.

Thank you for being courageous and willing to have tough conversations that many would rather not. It is important that we continue to examine and search for truth in the oceans of deception. I know many will say unkind things to you but they are on the wrong side of history. War mongering and hatred of fellow humans is not the righteous path. Succumbing to pressure to choose sides in conflicts that are manufactured, don’t involve us, in regions most of us have never been to, and involving languages most of us do not speak, with complex histories most of us do not fully understand is more divide and conquer tactics(and makes little sense otherwise). I choose the side of humanity if I must choose sides. — N”

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