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Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et, al. SCOTUS 22-380

Fellow citizen, this is about taking back our country, so, do not take lightly! If you are HAPPY with the state of affairs; high – food prices, gas prices, overall inflation, elected officials (Dem. & Rep.), job losses, COVID-19 lock-downs, vaccines, billions to Ukraine, border invasion, and dictatorial politicians, then you DO NOT NEED to proceed with this video, however, you haven’t seen the worse that is yet to come if things continue in the same direction we are going in our country. Act now, the clock is ticking as the Supreme Court takes this up on Jan., 6, 2023. Write the simple letter outlined at the end of the above video, or, see this video. This is for the future of yourself, your posterity and the country.

Short or long worded letter to mail to the court: link here for short letter, or link here for long letter

The Supreme Court Case 22-380 read aloud

Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et, al. SCOTUS Case on Docket Jan. 6, 2023 – SHORT VERSION

Longer version of the main video above

The Supreme Court Case 22-380 more in depth

Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et, al. SCOTUS Case on Docket Jan. 6, 2023 – LONG VERSION

How you can help get the word out about the Brunson v. Adams

There are a lot of people shopping now during the holiday season and the store parking lots are full. It would be nice if you could pass out these QR code notes.

  1. Download the PDF below.
  2. Print out the PDF containing the 8 QR Codes.
  3. Cut out the 8 squares
  4. Place on driver’s side of vehicles; window slit, door jam slit/gap, or door handle, of cars.

More Information about the Brunson v. Adams case
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