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I Will Curse Them That Bless Thee 

The following scriptures will prove some things about why America is under the judgment of God and why it will never come out from under the judgment of God until this is corrected. Before dismissing this statement and what God says, the scripture will show why this is the case.


From the word of God, there is several passages that need to be looked at to understand the title of this message. As God’s word is referred to in your Bible these verses when read will be critically important. To start turn in your Bible to first John chapter 2, and begin reading in verse 18. John wrote this two thousand years ago and he said it is the last time, or it is the last days. Preachers talking about the last days started in 1948, or maybe they started in 2016 when Donald Trump or when Barack Obama was president, or whatever incident… 1 John 2:18-23


So who are the Antichrists? They’re the ones who deny that Jesus is the Christ. They’re the ones who deny that Jesus and the Father are one. They are Antichrists. Right? That is what the scripture says?   1 John 4:1-6

Here in these verses it says it again. Who are the Antichrists? The Antichrists are the ones who deny the Father and the Son. They are the ones who deny that Jesus is the Christ. That Jesus is God. They are Antichrists. Now that’s what is says, and I hope we can agree that that’s what it says. If needed we can go over that again?


Now turn to 2 John. Listen very carefully. 2 John, starting with verse 7.  2 John 1:7-11

See John 14:6 also.

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, what doctrine? The doctrine of Jesus Christ, Messiah, God in flesh, Savior. Receive him not into your house. Neither bid him God’s speed. Bidding one speed would be saying; “God bless you, God bless you”. Neither bid him God speed, For he that blesses him is partaker of his evil deeds.

The anti-Christ’s, if you bless them, you are partaker of their evil anti-Christ works. Christian, we must put our mind in gear. Let God’s Word get into your soul. If he comes denying Christ, if he comes denying Jesus is the Christ, he is an Antichrist. Do not bless Him. Do not let Him into your home. And if you do, you are guilty of participating in His evil Antichrist works.

Christian Zionists quote Genesis 12:3 and apply it to the modern state of Israel… This verse in Genesis, God said unto Abram, or Abraham:

Genesis 12:3… When this verse says “bless thee” it is referencing Abram, however, the new covenant comes with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, nullifying the old covenant, therefore, the title as children of God are those who have come to faith in Christ as Paul explains in… Galatians 6:16.Note Later God changed Abram’s name to Abraham… Genesis 17:5

Christian Zionists all over America apply this verse to the modern state of Israel. It’s pervasive teaching. You hardly cannot listen to a Christian Zionist; radio preacher, pastor in a local church or listen to anyone in the pulpit anywhere in the country without hearing this regurgitated over, and over, and over again. We must bless the state of Israel because Genesis 12:3 says,… I will bless them that bless thee. So, we must be a blessing to the state of Israel if we want God to bless us. They say that all the time and I have to ashamedly confess that I taught that myself for over 30 years.  God please forgive me.

This was spoken to Abram. It was not spoken to the nation of Israel then or now. Christians who’ve been led to believe that Genesis 12:3 refers to the modern state of Israel have been falsely taught this understanding.* The Zionist evangelical Christian community of pastors completely ignores the New Testament, especially the teachings in Galatians and Romans.

Follow me with your own Bible and turn to Galatians chapter 3, and verse 16… Galatians 3:16 This verse is not speaking to the generations of the descendants of Abraham, the multiple numbers of physical seed from Abraham

The promise to Abram in Genesis 12:3 was fulfilled two thousand years ago in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Skip down to verse 28… Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek! Your biological heritage means absolutely nothing. We are one in Christ. If we are Christ’s, we are Abraham’s seed, and we are heirs according to the promise that God gave to Abraham.

Romans chapter 2, verse 28 and 29. Oh, we have to bless the Jews. Abraham’s seed, Genesis 12:3. Plainly the Scripture tells us that the seed was Christ, and that we through faith in Christ are all part of Abraham’s seed, and therefore part of Abraham’s promise…  Romans 2:28-29

Did you read that? He is not a Jew because he was born in Abraham’s lineage. Abraham’s physical seed. That’s not a Jew.  A Jew is one inwardly who in his heart has given faith to Jesus Christ. Look at chapter 9 verses 6 through 8… Romans 9:6-8


They are not all Israel which are of Israel. They are not Israel simply because they were born as a child of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who became Israel. Their birth as an Israelite does not make them Israel. They are not all Israel which are of Israel. Just because they are of the seed of Abraham does not mean they are a child of God. And it goes on to say: But, In Isaac, shall thy seed be called, that is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God. Did you read that? They that are the children of the flesh, the fleshly stock of Abraham. They are not the children of God. Oh, they’re God’s chosen people. How can they be God’s chosen people on the one hand, and then here it says they’re not the children of God on the other hand. It’s either one or the other, and the Scripture is clear, they are not the children of God. But the children of the promise are counted for the seed. Who are the children of the promise? You go back to Galatians chapter 3 verse 16, those of us who have put our faith in Jesus Christ, we are the children of the promise.

So the promise given to Abraham under the Abrahamic covenant was fulfilled in Christ and in all those who put their faith in Jesus Christ, not those who are the biological descendants of Abraham. Could it be any plainer? Am I misinterpreting anything here? This is as clear as it can be.

Skip down to verse 24. Now you got to read this. Now this has got to get into your heart. Verse 24… Romans 9:24-26

Even us whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but of also the Gentiles, as it’s said in the Old Testament, as he saith also in Hosea:… Hosea 2:23

In the Old Testament, the Gentiles were not called the children of God.  But now, through Christ and through His work on the cross, and the church which baptized Jew and Gentile alike into His body, we are the children of the living God… Romans 9:27

A remnant shall be saved. Who are those remnant? They are the children of Israel who acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior, and receive Him as such by faith just as we Gentiles do. That’s the remnant that will be saved.  The remnant, not everybody who is a Jew, not everybody who is a child of Abraham, not everybody who is of the Israel stock, a remnant, those who come to faith in Christ. For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness because a short work with the Lord make upon the earth. Isaiah1:9 Romans 9:30

The Gentiles were not included in the Old Testament covenant, but they have been grafted Romans 11:18-24 … into the body of Christ through faith. But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, that means in the Old Testament law, the Mosaic law, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. As it is written, behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock a stoneRomans 9:31-33… Verse 32 is key, because their works was a hindrance to them because they insisted on following the old testament law they stumbled. Christ was the stone which was a stumble to them… 1 Peter 2:8

The stumbling stone is Jesus Christ. The children of Israel stumbled at the stumbling stone 2000 years ago when Jesus came and presented himself as Israel’s Messiah and they rejected him.  They stumbled at the stumbling stone and Jesus became a rock of offense unto them at that point and forward. So again Israel, Israel, post the crucified resurrected Christ, are an anti-Christ people who have rejected their Messiah, who rejected his deity, rejected his saviorhood, rejected his Messiahship, and are outside the household of faith and are no longer the children of God.

Now let’s look at what Jesus said. Go to Matthew chapter 21 verse 31… Matthew 21:31-41

He was talking about the Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, Sanhedrin, chief priests, scribes, etc. Your fathers killed the prophets. You stoned them. You killed them, including John. The son of God came to you, and you are going to slay him. You’re going to kill him. You’re going to reject him. Just like you did the prophets before him. Jesus said to them, did you never read in the Scriptures the stone? There it is again. Which the builders rejected, the same has become the head of the corner.

Oh wow, how astute they are! Look at what Jesus said to them at the conclusion of this parable.  The kingdom of God is taken from you. From you Israelites. From the Jewish nation. The kingdom of God is taken from you, and given to a nation, bringing forth fruits thereof.

Albert Barnes writes about verse 43 in his commentary of the kingdom of God.

They had been the children of the kingdom, or under the reign of God; having his law and acknowledging him as King. They had been his chosen and special people, but he says that now this privilege would be taken away; that they would cease to be the special people of God, and that the blessing would be given to a nation who would bring forth the fruits thereof, or “be righteous” that is, to the Gentiles, Acts 28:28.

That is to say the Gentiles. They would cease to be the special people of God. Who is the nation?


Turn to 1 Peter chapter 2. The kingdom of God is taken from you and given to a nation whose fruits thereof. You have trusted His work on the cross for you. You’ve received Him as your Savior, the Christ of God, the Savior of the world. By Christ Jesus, you are a spiritual house, a holy priesthood…  1 Peter 2:5-9

There it is. The kingdom of God is taken from you. The Israelites, the children of Israel, the Jews. It is taken from you and given to a nation.  What nation? The holy nation of those Jew and Gentile who have received Christ as their Savior and Lord. In a previous message recently, I quoted from the Jewish Talmud, which is the Bible of the Zionists and the Jews in Israel.

Whenever you hear them talking about the Torah, they’re talking about the Talmud. They’re not talking about the writings of Moses. They’re talking about the oral traditions of the fathers laid down throughout the centuries which became ultimately the printed copies of the Talmud. Same thing that Jesus talked about for the Pharisees when he said, you make the word of God of none effect through your tradition. He’s talking about the writings of the Talmud, what became the Talmud.

The oral traditions of the elders. Starting with the 70 elders that they say in Moses’ time, and you know, Moses got the 10 commandments from God, but the 70 elders who are ostensibly the fathers of the Pharisees and the modern-day Jewish scholars, etc., they received the more complete word of God that Moses did. God just gave to Moses a sample of his law, but he gave the real law to the elders who passed it down from generation to generation orally until finally they wrote it down starting a couple centuries after Christ.


From the Talmud what it says about our Lord. In the Talmud, Jesus was born out of wedlock and I have the references. Jesus was born out of wedlock to his mother Maryam by her lover Pantera.

She is said to have been the descendant of princes and rulers and have played the harlot with a carpenter. The Talmud says, Jesus is a bastard child of an adulterous mother. Jesus spent time in Egypt where he learned magic.  He was a magician who deceived and led Israel astray. He mocked at the words of the wise, meaning the elders and the Sanhedrin, etc. was tainted with heresy and was thus excommunicated. He called himself God and the Son of Man and said he would go up to heaven.

He had five disciples. He was tried as a deceiver and as a teacher of apostasy. He was executed on the eve of Passover, which was also the eve of the Sabbath. By being stoned. For 40 days a herald proclaimed that he was to be stoned and invited evidence in his favor, but none was given. He under the name of Balaam was put to death by Pentecost the robber when he was 33 years old. He was punished in Gehenna, Gehenna hell. There’s two Greek words for hell.  One is as Hades, which is the temporary hell, the abode of lost souls. Gehenna is the eternal hell where the soul and body have been reunited and then soul and body are cast out forever and ever in eternal fire. That is Gehenna.

So Jesus is in Gehenna now and he is in boiling excrement. They say our Lord, the harlot son of an adulterous mother who was a heretic, an apostate who was nothing more than a wicked evil magician and who was stoned to death and is now suffering the flames of eternal fire in Gehenna hell and also boiling at the same time boiling in excrement.

That is what they teach about Jesus. That is how they feel about Jesus. That is the regard or lack thereof that they have pertaining to Jesus. Under the name of Balaam, the Talmud says he’s one of those excluded from the world to come, meaning the heavenly kingdom.  These are antichrists, which are already in the world, John said. These are antichrists.

Now by comparison what does the Quran say about Jesus? Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus was strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was given revelation by Allah. Jesus was taken bodily into heaven and is coming again. Jesus was a miracle worker. Allah sent the gospel to Jesus. Jesus spoke when he was two days old.

Obviously, the Quran does not recognize Jesus as being God in flesh and the Son of God. The Quran teaches that Jesus is inferior to Muhammad and that he is the servant of Muhammad. So the Muslim faith does not recognize Jesus Christ to be of God. They do not recognize him to be the Son of God. They do not recognize him to be God in flesh. So Muslims therefore, the followers of the Quran, are antichrists. They’re antichrists.

So how is it in America and in our churches that we readily reject the number of people who are of other faiths to be antichrists?  Reject one group of antichrists while at the same time embracing another group of antichrists. Tell me, how does that work? Will you ever hear a Christian pastor say that America will be blessed for blessing Saudi Arabia or Iran? We must bless them in order to be blessed by God. Of course not. Do they say, America will be blessed for blessing Muslims? Of course not. Why do they then turn around and say that America will be blessed for blessing Israel?  Why do they say that America will be blessed for blessing Jews? Both Islam and Judaism deny Christ. Both are antichrists.

Go back to 2 John again. I want to show you this again on the heels of what I just said.  Verses 9 and 10… 2 John 1:9-10

Listen to me. By pronouncing a blessing on the antichrists of Israel, America and the churches and pastors of this country who are guilty of this are incurring the wrath of God upon them because we are making ourselves partaker of the antichrist’s evil works.

So foreign aid, taxpayer dollars sent to the antichrists of Israel are bringing God’s judgment on America just like foreign aid to the antichrists that Saudi Arabia are bringing God’s judgment on America. Blessing the wars for Israel brings judgment of God upon our country. When pastors get up and talk about blessing Israel, they are in fact bringing God’s judgment on them. They are bidding antichrists God speed.

God bless you Benjamin Netanyahu, you have denied Christ so you are antichrist – 1 John 2:22. God bless you Israel. Israel, you nation of anti-Christs. We’re going to bless you and by blessing you, we’re going to have the blessing of heaven.

Let me ask you something. America and Christians in America have been blessing Zionist Israel for 70 years now. How blessed has America become under that time? Is God cursing America? Because God, or is God blessing America because of our blessing of Israel? Compare our families in 1948 to current date. How are we doing on the family scale? How are our families in good shape? Better shape than they were 70 years ago? More divorce, less divorce, more teenage rebellion, less teenage rebellion. How are we doing on the economic front? When I was a child, my dad, who was not a college graduate, who held a blue-collar job all of his life, and know we weren’t rich, and know we didn’t live in the fanciest neighborhood in town, and drive the fanciest cars in town, but my dad, with his income, just his income, was able to provide the needs of his family.

Most families today in America could not survive on one income. The man and the wife are both working. Some of them are working two and three jobs just to make a living. Taxes is taking more money from our paycheck than ever in history. We are paying nearly five months of our income to the government in various shades of taxes. We are deeper in debt than we have ever been. We are living in a deficit that can never be repaid. There’s only one thing that can happen sooner or later, and that is this economic house of cards, which is all it is, is going to come crashing down.

The Federal Reserve has basically totally decimated, and destroyed a once vibrant American economic system. We were the economic envy of the world, and now we are the debtor nation of the world. How are we doing economically?  God bless us? How are we doing educationally and scholastically? Is God blessing us? You might get a 1948 high school education if you graduate from college in 2023. Maybe.

Look at what happens to our kids when they go to college. Kids come out of churches, wholesome, innocent, moral. By the time they get out of college, four years of liberal, socialist Marxist. Antichrist indoctrination in the colleges and universities of this country, and they come out heathens. How are we doing on the education front? God blessing us, is he? What about religious? What about the matter of faith? God blessing us spiritually? Christianity is dying in America. Do you know that?

It’s dying in America. There are more professing atheists in America today than there has ever been. There are more non-church goers in America today than ever. There are more skeptics against religion in America today than ever. And we can blame the Democrats and you can blame Maxine Waters and all that, and you are just bailing water. You’re not addressing the whole in the ship. The problem is the pastors of America aren’t preaching the word and our kids are going to hell.

In every discernible category, America is in worse shape in 2023 than we were in 1948. Where’s the blessing of God? Where’s the blessing of God for being a blessing to Israel for 70 years? We’re not being blessed of God, folks.  We’re being judged of God. We are guilty of saying Godspeed to antichrists. And God said in His Word, whenever you do that, you are partaker of His evil deeds. And God has no option but to judge evil, and He’s judging evil in America. What God tells us Christians in 2 John is that God will curse them that bless Israel, or Judaism, or Saudi Arabia, or Islam, or Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Christian Scientology, or any faith system, and the people that promote them that deny Jesus Christ!

You cannot bless anti-Christ and expect God to bless you. That’s what Second John tells us. There’s only one answer for this country’s ills. Should we try to elect the best political office holders that we can?  Absolutely. Should we be active in the day-to-day political affairs of our country? Absolutely as a free people who has the privilege under our constitutional form of government to select and un-elect our government. We have a responsibility to be as active and as discerning and involved in these issues as we possibly can of course. But all we’re doing is bailing water. All we’re doing is bailing water until the pastors of America stand up in the pulpits shed themselves of these vices that control their preaching and teaching and be the men of God in the pulpits that God requires them to be. Only then will the whole in America’s ship of state be fixed.

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Pastor Baldwin has preached in churches all over the United States and overseas—including in Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestine and in the city of Jerusalem. He has spoken (Chuck’s Speeches) at several notable events including being the keynote speaker at the 50th anniversary of D-Day celebration at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. He was also a keynote speaker at the 50th anniversary celebration of the John Birch Society in Appleton, Wisconsin.

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