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Mike Adams Interviews David Sorensen – Transcript Below

The video and transcript covers an interview between Mike Adams and David Sorensen on Sorensen’s documentary film ‘Mystery of Israel’, which reveals how globalist entities aim to establish a one world government in Israel. Key topics include evidence of Hamas being an Israeli creation, Christian Zionism hijacking scripture, Netanyahu’s ancestry from Nephilim giants, the true spiritual Israel being people worldwide who follow Christ, and an upcoming film update. No numerical data is discussed.


Introducing the Interview and Filmmaker David Sorensen

Mike Adams introduces the interview with David Sorensen about his documentary film ‘Mystery of Israel’, which exposes the real agenda behind Israel working with Hamas to eliminate Palestinians and establish a globalist one world government in Jerusalem.

Hamas as Israeli Creation and Controlled Opposition

Sorensen presents evidence from Israeli officials and military sources revealing Hamas was created by Israel to serve as controlled opposition, with the recent breach allowing justification to eliminate Palestinians.

Hijacking Christianity to Support Political Israel Agenda

Details are provided on how Christianity was hijacked using the Schofield Bible to support the political state of Israel instead of the spiritual Israel represented by global followers of Christ.

Netanyahu’s Bloodline Descending from Nephilim Giants

Sorensen argues Netanyahu and other globalist elites descend from Nephilim giants created by fallen angels mating with human women, possessing an innate desire to rule over and enslave humanity. [Evidence is not produced]

Christ the True Fulfillment of Spiritual Israel

Explanations are offered from New Testament scriptures and the Apostle Paul showing Christ embodied the promised spiritual Israel open to all people worldwide, not the physical nation.

Upcoming Film Update

Sorensen notes plans for an upcoming update to further expose the Israeli-Hamas collaboration and convey that both Jewish and Palestinian people are victims of the same evil agenda.

Mystery Of Israel – Transcript

Mike Adams 00:00

You and my guest today is David Swordson, and his website is called And David has produced a documentary that is a must see documentary, whether you agree with it or disagree with it. And I will ask David some skeptical questions today as well. But this documentary reveals the side of the conflict between Israel and Hamas or Gaza Palestine, the side that you have never seen reported in the mainstream media. And it’s only alternative media that even dares to bring you this conversation that you’re about to hear. So our guest, David Swartzen, he calls himself a missionary journalist. He’s a graduate from the University of Science and Arts in Belgium. He’s bilingual in Dutch and English. And he’s an outstanding filmmaker, a very courageous person who is no doubt taking a lot of heat for the documentary that we’re about to talk about. That documentary is called the Mystery of Israel, and you are free to copy it and post it on other platforms. And again, the website is So, Mr. Sorensen, welcome to the show today. It’s an honor to have you on.

David Sorensen – 01:08

Thank you very much, Mike. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Mike Adams 01:11

I was really profoundly moved by your documentary, your steady explanation, your presentation of visual facts. Can you give us just for starters here, tell us what the documentary is really about and what inspired you to create it?

David Sorensen – 01:33

Yeah. Well, thank you very much, Mike. I will try to be as concise and clear as I can. First of all, I really want to encourage all the viewers to watch this interview to the end because I noticed that the vast majority of people in the world haven’t got the slightest clue about the real agenda with Israel. That it is all about establishing a one world government from within Jerusalem. That is why you see that the CEO of BlackRock and Vanguard, the two corporations that own virtually everything on the earth, they are Zionists. And we see this all over the board worldwide. The CEO of the vaccine companies, the directors of the CDC and the FDA, people in the World Economic Forum, all of them, all these people call themselves Jews. They are not Jews, but they call themselves Jews. They are Zionists. But what we must understand, and that’s why I really want to stress this, that people, keep listening, keep listening, keep listening and share this as wildly as you can. Because the whole agenda, everything that we have been seeing the past years, everything that Mike has been exposing to humanity, to natural news, everything, all the whistleblowers have been revealing, it all boils down to this, eventually, to Israel. Israel is determined, has been chosen by the heads of these globalist elites to become the center of their one world government. That’s why you see that so many politicians, presidents from left and right, they all say, we support Israel, we are with Israel, we are for know. And this is insane. It’s crazy because it’s just a stretch of desert. It’s one of the smallest countries in the whole world, and it’s constant conflict.

Mike Adams 03:32

You’re absolutely right about the US politicians. They say Israel first, America last. I’ve noticed that. But let me ask some blunt questions here right now that perhaps our audience is asking, because I know that with what you just said, you would absolutely be accused of anti semitism, and even probably me having you on as a guest, I would be accused of anti semitism. And I want to state for the record, I don’t have anything whatsoever against jewish people or Judaism, and I value all lives and all religions and all ethnicities everywhere. But I want to ask you, sir, you’re going to be accused of being a nazi or an anti semite. Do you have any ties to the nazi party or do you want to see all Jews exterminated? Please answer this question right up front.

David Sorensen – 04:20

Yeah, that is a very critical know. I still weep sometimes when I think of my dear friend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who was one of the most courageous heroes of humanity, standing up for medical freedom. And he saved millions of lives. He trained thousands of medical doctors with his protocols to take down Covid. He is what I call a genuine jew. A Jew. According to scripture, the word Jew comes from Judah, the tribe of Judah. In scripture, there’s only one type of jew. A jew is someone who walks in the footsteps of Abraham. Abraham is the father of the faith, of all of humanity. He was the only man at a certain point in history who was faithful to the creator. In the midst of a wicked world population where everybody was involved in demon worship, human sacrifice, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, etc. Abraham was the only one. He was actually called Abraham. He was the only one who remained faithful to the original, authentic creator. And he didn’t go along with all the darkness and sorcery. God then spoke to Abraham and said, I will create a nation from you, a people. He didn’t actually say nation. I will create a people from you who will be just like you. They will walk in your footsteps. They will be my people. And God never spoke about a political military state. He spoke about people who would walk in the footsteps of Abraham and Vladimir Zelenko. And also Simone Gold. She’s also jewish. I have an incredible love for these people because they are what a jew embodies. Someone who loves God, who stand ups for justice, who opposes wickedness and injustice, and who is a bright light in this world. But as we know, Israel has been founded by intelligence agencies, CIA and Mossad. And all these intelligence agencies are the workforce of the financial elites who remain behind the scenes. And they invented the word anti Semitism to suppress everyone who reveals the true agenda behind it.

Mike Adams 06:35

It’s kind of like the invention of the phrase conspiracy theorist, right? It’s just used as a slur to shut down any critical questioning, is that what you’re saying?

David Sorensen – 06:43

Exactly. It’s also the same at Antivaxxer. I mean, every authentic, kind hearted scientist who informs the public about the dangerous, adverse events of vaccines is labeled antivaxxer. You’re an anti vaxxer. You’re anti science. And so this word anti Semitism is used to shut everything down, to shut everyone down, and to put negative labels on people who speak truth. And my heart for people in Israel is much larger. And I can say this with an honest heart. I love those people a thousand times more than all those people who say, I’m for Israel, I pray for Israel, I do this, I do that. They don’t do nothing for those people. Because what is going on in Israel is equally slaughtering, is equally torturing, is equally attacking the people who live in Israel as the people who are now being mass murdered in Gaza. The entities who are behind the establishing of the state of Israel have no regard for any human life. In my film, the mystery of Israel, I reveal undeniable evidence. Nobody can deny this, that Israel is completely embed with the Hamas. Hamas is a creation of Israel. They stated themselves. And I’m planning an update on this film with even more evidence, where, for example, you have this statement from Netanyahu, from 2019, where he says, anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy. And then the former israeli diplomat Abraham Avi Primor stated on the french news channel in 2015, he said, hamas is the israeli government. It was created. It was we who created Hamas. And then the israeli defense intelligence chief, Hamas. Yadlin said in 2007, israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza, because the Israeli Defense Force could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state. And then you have Senator Ted Cruz stating that Hamas is directly funded by the Biden administration, who sent $100 billion to Iran, which is the public force behind Hamas, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And I show more evidence of this in the mystery of Israel. So what people need to understand is that this world is a puppet theater. It literally is.

Mike Adams 09:35

You’re right. Yeah, you’re nailing it on that point. And I’m sorry to interrupt, but I just want to confirm what you just said about the funding of Hamas and also the fact that, of course, Netanyahu needs Hamas in order to measure, to kind of counterbalance the PLO, the palestinian authority, and in order to have Hamas as a puppet to carry out whatever radical acts that Israel needs in order to justify its actions. That’s clear.

David Sorensen – 10:07

And that is the whole word there, justify. They always need to justify their actions. And with the attack on Israel at the beginning of October, you have all these whistleblowers from the israeli defense force, former soldiers, who said that they have been working in that specific area, and they say that defenses, the border security, is second to none in the world. There’s nothing anywhere else on this earth that comes near to it. They say that even when a cat or a bird approaches those fences, it arouses all the israeli forces. And they said, and now 400 armed men with tractors and jeeps were able to just breach those borders. No response from the israeli army? Nothing whatsoever. And then there was an IDF spokesperson who instructed the israeli mainstream news media to remain silent for a whopping 12 hours. They were not allowed to inform the israeli public that they were being attacked. And then you have the Iron Dome, the most sophisticated air defense system anywhere in the world, and it failed. It didn’t work. The rockets were just able to just drop on Israel. And you have all these elements that show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Israel basically just gave a free pass to these Hamas terrorists to enter an attack. And a major fact that shows that Hamas is working together with Israel is that no military commander in his right mind would ever. No military commander who cares about his own people, who is there to protect his own nation, would ever do an insane, a completely irrational suicide mission as what these Hamas terrorists did, attack the most advanced military in the whole world. Are you kidding me? Any commander would know that this would result in merciless, brutal retaliation on their own people.

Mike Adams 12:11

So you’re saying they knew there was going to be a stand down?

David Sorensen – 12:15

Yeah, absolutely. And either you attack with a strategy to win so that you won’t suffer, your people won’t suffer. That is what a military strategist does. You build a strategy, you make sure that if you attack your enemy that you’re going to be victorious. This in no way. I mean, this whole attack by these handful of terrorists is so ridiculous, it’s so insane, that it shows that it is only there only serves to create the excuse for Israel to finally do what they have been wanting to do for decades, completely eliminate the millions of palestinian people and have a clean Israel state without those 5 million Palestinians. They’ve been talking about it. They’ve been writing about it. And Netanyahu even showed a map, and I showed this in the mystery of Israel, a map which is called the new Middle east. He showed that to the General assembly of the United nations less than two weeks before the attack of Hamas. Yes. This map literally shows Israel without West bank and without.

Mike Adams 13:36

Greater Israel to the.

David Sorensen – 13:37

United nations and says, this is the new Middle east. There will be no more palestinian presence inside Israel. We will be a full blown clean state, which means their publicly revealed agenda. So there you have it.

Mike Adams 13:53

Okay, but that means they also have to then find Hamas in the West bank so that they can attack and exterminate everybody in the West bank and say, well, we thought Hamas was there. That’s why we had to bomb all of the Palestinians in the West bank. And then I think they’re going to say, we found Hamas in southern Lebanon, so we’re going to have to attack Lebanon because Hamas might be there. And this kind of sounds to me like, oh, well, we thought Hamas was under the hospital, so we had to bomb this hospital, al Shifa and other hospitals as well. And it’s like this is a very strange war. Logic or non logic justification to say, well, we think Hamas might be under this target, so let’s bomb it. Let’s destroy it. What if Hamas is hiding under, in New York City? Would they bomb know?

David Sorensen – 14:45

Yeah. Oh, exactly.

Mike Adams 14:47

But is this even acceptable in terms of the conduct of war where you think something might be there, so you bomb a civilian infrastructure and then you look for evidence to try to justify your bombing? Because that sounds backwards to me. Seems like you’re supposed to know for sure the enemy is there, and even then you should spare the hospital, go underground. I don’t know, but it seems backwards to me.

David Sorensen – 15:12

You know, Israel has. From the day they started invading Gaza until this day, they have murdered about 7000 defenseless children, almost 5000 women. They have bombed hospitals, churches, synagogues, schools. They’ve bombed the only escape route for the Palestinians to flee to Egypt. They have no regard. No regard whatsoever. They’re not selective. They just wipe out that whole area and that’s what they say the very same day of the attack of Hamas. And people need to shift in their mind. If you hear the word Hamas, you have to understand Israel, because Hamas is Israel. They are the same entities. Israel is founded and funded by the Rothschilds. This is very clear. I show the actual evidence of this on my website. I mean, in the film mystery of Israel, and it is presented on the website of the Rothschilds themselves. They brag about how they established the state of Israel. And the Rothschilds are one of the most wealthy people in the world. They own thousands of billions of dollars, trillions and trillions of dollars. They own most central banks in the world. They set out in the 18th century.

Mike Adams 16:40

Here’s one of the symbols that you put in your film.

David Sorensen – 16:43

Yeah. This is from the city of London. This is where they are operating from. And the city of London, their crest is two dragons and their creed is Lord guiders. So they ask the dragon to guide them. And the city of London is surrounded by 14 statues of dragon. So they make it clear that they are under the authority, under the protection, under the guidance of the dragon. Now, if you look in scripture, you see that scripture says that the great dragon or the serpent of old is Satan or the devil who deceives all the nations. So they don’t even hide their satanism. They show it out in the open. And it is the Rothschilds. I mean, they are known to be at the heads of know. And I show more evidence of this in the mystery of Israel. But people can find it all over the Internet, which, Charles, are a very satanic family, and they established Israel. Hold on, David. Both Israel and Hamas, they were also behind the world wars, and they are the hidden hand that controls what people see in the public sphere.

Mike Adams 18:04

All right, let me ask a skeptical question, which is, what if you’re reading too much into this? And what if, as Israel says, I think Netanyahu has said things like this, and certainly Galant and Gavir and others have said all the people of Palestine are guilty. There are no innocents. There are no civilians. They’re all war combatants, even the children. And now, David, I want you to understand. Two year olds could carry rpgs, they can be trained. Three year olds, they can carry AK. Forty seven s, four year olds can attack tanks. And I just want to be clear about that. So there are no innocents in Palestine. According to Netanyahu and the palestinian people, they did vote for Hamas, I think, back in 2006, as a political entity. So why can’t you see that? Obviously, there are no innocent Palestinians.

David Sorensen – 19:04

Well, the first time that my heart was crushed for the people in Gaza, the palestinian people, is when a friend of mine visited that area. And I found him very courageous. And he filmed everything with his phone. And he said, david, I’m going to show you something. So he went to the gates of Gaza. And I was shocked to see that. I mean, millions of people live there, just families. Daddies, mummies, grandfathers, grandmothers, little children who just want to have a peaceful life. And they are locked up in an open air prison. So I saw my friend enter through barbed wire, metal gates, soldier everywhere, guns all over the place. So he went in, and then he went to visit a christian family in GAZA. And I was like, are there Christians in Gaza? Of CoURsE, he said, there used to be tens of thousands of christians in GaZA. Now there’s only a few ThOUSand left. There are also many thousands of Jews in know. Everything we have Heard ABout that Area is a lie. Nothing is true. The reality is DiFFERent. So he went into the house of this Christian family, and I saw these people, and I have never seen eyes that look so desperate. I could see a grief, a suffering in their eyes that crushed my heart forever. I was LiKe, oh, my God. Nothing I’ve ever thought about GAZA is true. Here I see these people, I see their children. And then he informed me more. And if you look at the original footage from the 1930s of the land of Palestine, then you see beautiful families who have farms, they have vineyards. There is no hostility, there’s no violence, there’s no terrorism. These people just live in peace. Christians, jews and muslims ALTOgetHer. There was no war. It’s only when the Zionists started invading that area, they started inciting violence and hatred. And if you look at the maps of that area, of the land, of the land of Palestine, then you see how they gradually took more and more land. And then one day, while I was learning all of this, this is like ten years ago, I was asking, I’m a Christian. And I was praying, and I said, Lord, will you please bring me in touch with a Palestinian Christian who can share with me firsthand reliable information about what’s really going on there? I tell you, less than 2 hours later, I got a message on Facebook, messenger from a friend of mine, and she said, david, I am in touch with a Palestinian Christian. Would you like to get in touch with him? This was mind blowing. I had prayed this less than 2 hours before. This man has lived in most of his life in jerusalem. And he started showing me how the vineyards of peaceful Palestinian people are being destroyed, how their farms are being destroyed, how they are being terrorized in incredible ways. And my heart broke. My heart started to weep because I saw what’s really going on there. And so the reason behind making this film, Mystery of Israel, is because I have an incredible compassion now for these people and also for the jewish people who are being led to the slaughter as well, because they’re being bombed by hamas, which is controlled by the same entities who control Israel, victims on all sides.

Mike Adams 22:47

You denounce the violence against all civilians?

David Sorensen – 22:51


Mike Adams 22:53


David Sorensen – 22:54


Mike Adams 22:56

Let me ask you this. I’m sorry. First of all, let me give out your website again, That’s where people can find the film and learn more about you and the film and the work that you have coming up, the UN. And who says children must have sexual partners? Oh, my goodness. Right? So, I mean, you’re exposing a lot of freaky narratives and agendas that are important to know. But let me ask you this. You said you’re a Christian, and I have to ask you. According to the Zionists, God designated them the superior supreme master race. And as a result, if you are not a zionist, you, sir, must be a subhuman animal as well as myself, because I’m not a zionist. And so we are animals, david, according to them, and we don’t matter. And they have the right. God told them they have the right that this land is their land. And they have the right to exterminate any people who might be standing on it or having lived on it for generations, even. Or tending to orchards. It’s not your orchard anymore. God told us. It’s our orchard. How can you contradict the word of God if you’re a Christian? If God says that, the Zionists can rule over the rest of us. I don’t understand.

David Sorensen – 24:13

Yeah, well, this is the result of a very sophisticated and massive all out mind control operation that was launched in the early 20th century by the Rothschilds. They hired a convicted criminal, forger and fraudster. I mean, he was a criminal lawyer, expert in forgery and fraud. His name was c. I. Schofield. He spent time in prison. He had several wives that he beat up. He fled from justice from Kansas to Canada. And he wasn’t attracted by the Rothschilds and their allies to create a Bible called the C. I. Schofield study Bible. This was the first Bible in history that contained hundreds of footnotes. These footnotes sometimes comprised more space on the page of the Bible than the actual scripture. They literally introduced a completely new mindset into Christianity. They started twisting and manipulating the scriptures to prepare all of Christianity worldwide for their agenda. To establish a new state of Israel, which would be a political and military state. They managed to hijack the christian faith. They pumped billions and billions. I wouldn’t doubt if they pumped trillions of dollars into hijacking Christianity. They financed conferences and books and films and christian tv. And they made it so that everyone who says he’s Christian had no choice but to support their agenda. But if you look at the scriptures honestly, then you see that God said to Abraham, I will bring forth a people from you. And they will be my people. They will be my children. They will be just like you. And they will be the light to the world. From those people, I will dwell within those people. They will be my habitation. And from within them I will bring healing and restoration to the rest of humanity, to all the nations. They will be a light to the nations. He was speaking about healing, deliverance, restoring all of creation. He wasn’t speaking about a military state. He wasn’t speaking about murdering people. He was speaking about healing humanity. And then if you read the scriptures with careful attention, then you see that Jesus Christ, he came as the son of God. And he came to fulfill the promises that God had made to Abraham, to Abraham, later, because God made a covenant with him and added ah to his name. Ah is the name of God. Yahweh, the breath of life. So he became Abraham. Anyway, God made promises to him of these people. That would be God’s habitation, God’s family, God’s the apple of his eye, his children. Israel means prince of God, a royal child of God. Okay? So when Christ came, all of scripture says that he fulfilled those promises. This is the whole christian message. Christ fulfilled every single promise that God had ever made. That’s why all the riches, all the blessings of heaven, all the fullness of God is in Christ. That’s why all the angels worship him. That’s why all the demons are terrified of him. That’s why the apostles gave their life to proclaim Christ and nothing else. Christ is the fulfillment. And then the apostle Paul, who was one of the highest pharisees, I mean, he was a jew of all Jews. He was educated in Judaism, in the law, more than anybody else. And he gave his life. He was tortured, he was killed, he was resurrected from the dead. He was imprisoned. He gave his life because he said, guys, it’s not about a genetic people, it’s not about a political people. It’s about Christ. He is the mystery of God that was hidden throughout the ages and is now revealed by the spirit of God. That in Christ is the true Israel. He said, christ is the seed of Abraham. Christ is the descendant of Abraham. Christ is the one that God spoke about. And who is in Christ is now a child of the heavenly Jerusalem. He said, that earthly Jerusalem, that’s the mother of the slaves. They are under the law. They have no freedom. But we are children of the heavenly Jerusalem. We are circumcised in our heart. And he said, that is the true Israel. So God never said that. He is the greatest racist of all time. On the contrary, Christ said that in him there is neither jew or gentile. There is no hostility, there’s no war, there’s no hatred. Christ makes one new man. He takes all the people of the world and says, if you come to me, then I will make you a new creation in whom is the love of God. So this is the exact opposite of what the.

Mike Adams 29:32

I mean, that’s an extraordinary explanation. So if I could summarize what I think you just said there. The true concept of Israel is melded with Christ. And those who follow Christ are part of the greater cosmic Israel in its original true intent, which is healing and love for humanity. So what the globalists have done is they have hijacked the concept of Israel in order to bastardize it and demonize it and have dark forces in control now pushing death and suffering rather than love and healing. Is that a fair summary of what you just said?

David Sorensen – 30:09

Exactly? Yep, that’s it. Israel is the people of God. It is those people who have a circumcised heart. And the apostle Paul said that in ancient Israel, there was only a very few people who were truly Israel. He said only a very few of them, a remnant, remained faithful to the Lord. Most people in ancient Israel, and this goes way back in history, where God ordered Joshua to eliminate the Nephilim. I mean, Genesis six speaks about fallen angels who came down, who had sex with beautiful women on earth, and they created a new hybrid breed which was extremely wicked and evil, and they demanded child sacrifice. These were the entities that were dwelling in that area. That is now Israel. That corner in the earth was the place where the nephilim were the fallen angels. And they had intermingled with the human race and they created a new demonic race, which there were giants. This is very clear in scripture. I can imagine that some people who don’t have enough scriptural knowledge.

Mike Adams 31:21

No, we’ve covered giants before.

David Sorensen – 31:24

Gen. Six, as you said, exactly. So what happened in Israel is that God gave the order to Joshua to eliminate that hybrid demonic race that was the result of the fornication of fallen angels with humans. Joshua didn’t obey. If you read Exodus, then you see that he only killed a few of the giants, but then he allowed the people of Israel to marry those hybrid entities. And so they became part of what is Israel. And those people, their desire is always to rule and reign. They always want to enslave. These entities have one big desire, enslave humanity, rule over Humanity. So they became, in a short amount of time, they became the leaders of Israel.

Mike Adams 32:14

Wait a Second. So you’re saying that Netanyahu Today is the offspring of actual demonic entities that mated with humans?

David Sorensen – 32:25

I wouldn’t say that Netanyahu is that. I do believe that some of the elites who operate behind the scenes and who control Netanyahu, I see their bloodlines go way back in history, and you can see all of this if you dive into this. But so they were exposed by Christ. Christ came to Israel, and he said to the israeli leaders, he said, you guys are descendants of the serpent. You guys are children of the devil. You guys are not children of God. You are children of hell. You are vipers. And so he exposed their demonic nature, but they had become the leaders of Israel. So people need to understand that it’s not because somebody calls himself a descendant of Abraham that he is because Christ said, I can make descendants of Abraham from these very rocks on the ground. And he confronted them and said, you guys Boast that you are descendants from Abraham, but I say you are children of the devil. That’s what he said right in their face. And then later, he said to the apostle John, he said, there are people who call themselves Jews, but they are not Jews. They are a Synagogue of Satan. So you see that the exact opposite had happened in Israel. God wanted it to be a people who was different from the rest of the world, a people who would not commit human sacrifice, who would not be involved in fornication and perversion and wickedness, a people that would be pure. But what happened? JOshua did not eliminate those hybrid entities. He allowed them to intermingle with Israel. And Israel became the opposite of what God had meant it to be. And that’s why Isaiah prophesied, Israel will be chopped down like a tree, and only a stump will remain. But from that stump, something new will emerge. A shoot will come forth. And this shoot is the messiah. Was Jesus the Christ? He would do something new. That’s why Isaiah also said, behold, God said through Isaiah, I will do something new. Don’t look back. Forget the old. Behold, I will do something new. Shall you know it? Shall you recognize it? And when Christ came, he said, I’m going to restore the people of God. But then he said, it will not be a political nation. He said, the kingdom of God, the Israel of God, his people. First of all, he said, you are not a child of God because of your descendants or lineage or whatever. He looked around the people that were sitting with him and he said, who is my brother and who is my sister? Who is part of the family of God? Those who listen to the word of God and who act upon it, no religious hypocrisy, but those who really live with the Almighty. And then he said, you cannot see the kingdom of God with your eyes. You can only discern it through the spirit of God because it’s a heavenly dimension. He also said, it is not here or there. It’s not in any geographical location. He said, the kingdom of God is within you. It is a spiritual reality.

Mike Adams 35:46


David Sorensen – 35:46

And then he announced the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, which were the symbols of the old covenant where God was in the temple. And he announced the destruction of that which happened in 70 ad. And then the new covenant that Christ established and he paid and sealed it with his own blood, came into being. The new covenant where God no longer dwells in a physical temple or in a physical Jerusalem. But now we are his temple. And this is the whole core of the christian faith. This is the essence of what it means to be a Christian that, you know, I am now a temple of the living God. I don’t have to travel to Jerusalem to worship him in the temple. I am his temple.

Mike Adams 36:33

Yeah, well, exactly. I mean, I’ve always had that belief. I don’t have to have faith delegated through some other person or some other institution or even though I’m a Christian, I don’t have to have a church, a physical location, in order to have a relationship with.

David Sorensen – 36:55

Wealth. That is the whole wealth of who Christ is and what he did. God always desired to be as close to us as possible. He never wanted to have any distance between us and him. He wanted us to be his kids, his family, where he dwells and whom he can hug, and we can experience his love and his presence all the time, everywhere, no matter what.

Mike Adams 37:20

Agreed. But, David, let me ask you another question, though. So we have many, what we might call Christian Zionists, then, in the United States, they tend to be among evangelicals in particular who, when all of this happened, beginning October 7, and to my great shock and surprise, by the way, a lot of Christians in America said, kill them all, bomb them all, destroy them all, kill the women, children, and so on and so forth. And personally, I was quite shocked. I was very taken aback by that. And I actually put out some messages that got me a lot of hate. I said, look, if you’re killing children, you are not acting on behalf of Christ would condemn you. God doesn’t embrace you. If you’re calling for killing children, God rejects you, would send you to hell for what you’re calling for. But for some reason, these Christian Zionists are so brainwashed, it’s like, well, Israel has the right to murder anybody.

David Sorensen – 38:19


Mike Adams 38:20

What would you say to that?

David Sorensen – 38:21

It is the exact same thing as with the Ku Klux klan, this cult that was mostly Protestant Christian. They believed that they were the superior race. They were white and dark people were animals, so they killed them, they tortured them, they burned their houses to the ground. And these were Christians. And this was preached in the churches. And most churches did not allow dark people to enter because they were a lower race. And I found that religious racism is the most brutal and the most bloodthirsty of them all because it has a religious excuse, because it can hide the most horrendous, the most heart wrenching crimes behind the veil of religious hypocrisy. It’s like people can be beasts and so brutal, but they hide behind the face of, oh, this is what God says. This is what the is. You know, I’m doing the will of God, and it is the exact opposite of who God is.

Mike Adams 39:25

So you’re saying that those in America right now who support Israel, as you have summarized it, are actually supporting demons.

David Sorensen – 39:37

In essence, that is absolutely true. They are supporting the very heart of darkness. And why is that? So please, hear me out. I can imagine that people are having their hair stand up and fire coming out of their eyes, and what am I hearing? But hear me out. The scriptures make it extremely clear, crystal clear, that the true Israel is Christ. Christ is the seed of Abraham. He is the heir of all the promises, and we are co heirs if we are in Christ. All promises of God are. Yes and amen. In Christ. The angels worship Christ. The Father revealed Christ. The apostles preached Christ. None of them preached a political state of Israel. On the contrary, the reason why Judas betrayed Christ was because he thought that Christ would restore a political, military Israel that would drive out the Romans and would make Israel a powerful nation from where they would all rule the world. This is an earthly, carnal interpretation of what God had said in Hebrews. God says that Abraham did not look for an earthly land. He was looking, and this is a key. He was looking for a heavenly land made by the hand of God. So the scriptures are so clear. It’s not about a piece of desert. It’s about a kingdom of God. It’s about a heavenly nation that God creates in our hearts of people all around the world, of every color. So that is God’s plan. That is God’s message. No hostility. Even John the apostle starts out his gospel by saying, nobody becomes a child of God through lineage or descendants or by the will of man. You can only become a child of God when you accept the one that he sent, the word of God who became flesh. So he also cancels every racism there. So God is about a people from every tribe, every nation, every tongue, who love him with their heart, whose hearts are circumcised.

Mike Adams 41:49

Let me interject. I will call this spiritual meritocracy. Right. You have to earn your way into God’s grace. You have to ask God to be in your life. Ask Christ to be in your life, have a relationship with Christ. And it’s not just being born with an.

David Sorensen – 42:10

Exactly. Right. Exactly. And one of the most disturbing things is that anyone can go to Israel and can become a jew. Years ago, when I first studied this, I found on the israeli government website a statement by Netanyahu. It has been removed by now, and sadly, I could not retract it. But it said, literally, Netanyahu said, anyone who feels in his heart that he is part of the jewish people can come and receive the jewish identity. This is ridiculous. That means that being a jew means nothing. It means nothing whatsoever.

Mike Adams 42:50

I self identify as a jew today and I self identify as a female soccer player tomorrow.

David Sorensen – 42:57


Mike Adams 42:59

It sounds like transgenderism to me.

David Sorensen – 43:01


Mike Adams 43:02

You can just decide that you’re a jew.

David Sorensen – 43:05

That’s it. And that is what happens. I mean, if you go back and I need to address the message or your question about our zionist Christians worshiping demons, I need to address that because that’s very important.

Mike Adams 43:19

Okay, we only have a few minutes left. Let me quickly summarize.

David Sorensen – 43:25

Yeah, I’ll summarize it. So I explained what God’s heart is. God’s heart is about the heavenly Jerusalem. Christ said to the women, to the samaritan women at the well, he said, the time is gone. No more will people go to Jerusalem to worship God now. He said, a new era is coming where people will worship God in spirit, because God is spirit. And the apostle Paul explained that we are now in the ministry of the spirit as opposed to the Stone Age. In the Stone Age, I sometimes laughingly call the Old Testament the time of the Flintstones. Everything was stone. A stone temple, a stone Jerusalem. And people had hearts of stone. They didn’t love God, they didn’t obey God. And God said, I’m going to change that, and I’m going to create something where people will love me with their heart and they will become temples, etc. But then darkness. Satan wants to steal that. He wants to steal everything from God. He wants people to worship him. He wants people to be his nation. So he uses the name Israel and he fools everyone. And he says, I’m establishing a new nation of Israel, blah, blah, blah. And that is basically the desire of Judas and also of the first disciples of Christ. They all thought that the messiah would restore a physical, military Israel. And Christ said no. And then he allowed himself to be crucified and killed. And they were all in shock. They were like, all our dreams are falling down. But then the spirit of God came upon them. Their eyes were opened and they realized it was never about a political Israel. It is about heavenly kingdom, where we are born again and where God dwells inside of us. But Satan uses the words from scripture. He twists them, he abuses them to create his narrative, to create his Israel and the Israel of Satan, which is, I mean, it’s literally funded by the heads of worldwide Satanism, the Rothschilds. It’s literally supported by these financial elites worldwide who are operating from the city of London, who openly say, we worship the dragon. We are guided by the. You know, on my website, I have many reports and testimonies from people who all say the same thing, that systematic, organized child abuse and child torture and child sacrifice is the common theme among all these elites. So they serve these dark entities. And I have several letters from people who came from these elites and who reveal all this. And all these people say the same thing. So we are effectively dealing with very dark entities.

Mike Adams 46:25

Okay? No question.

David Sorensen – 46:26

Israel. They use the word Israel to fool people. And they have hijacked Christianity through the Schofield Bible to turn us around and to turn the church away from Christ to a political military state. So the church has been literally taken and has been moved to the camp of the enemy and believe and do the exact opposite of what Christ is. And Christ said, exactly.

Mike Adams 46:56

So I would summarize this by saying this is how they can gaslight millions of people into calling for bombing children to death.

David Sorensen – 47:04


Mike Adams 47:04

Which is what we’re seeing. And I am losing faith in humanity right now. Not that I had much to begin with by watching this and seeing, oh, my God, our world is a far more dangerous place than I ever thought, because some of the people that I’ve known in independent media, alternative media, I guess one day they can just turn and call for mass murdering children and women and cancer patients in a hospital. It’s crazy. I thought they were pro freedom, pro liberty, pro human rights, pro free speech. And now after October 7, it all turns around. No, they want to murder babies. I thought they were anti abortion. No, they want to bomb babies now. Oh, I thought they were pro free speech, but not free speech about Israel. No free speech there anyway. It’s so many contradictions. It is extraordinary. But, David, we’re almost out of time. I want to ask you one last question. Please keep it brief here. But you said you’re going to do a follow up to this film. Can you tell us what you have planned for that?

David Sorensen – 47:57

Yeah. So I am praying about how to do this because there’s so much information. But I want to make it clear to people that God is not a God of hatred and war and violence. And that I need to highlight more that the jewish people, both the real and the fake jewish people, are just as much victims of this evil plan as the palestinian people. They are being bombed by Hamas. Just as well. I mean, Hamas is Israel. They say it themselves. So God is not a God of violence. Christ is the prince of peace. And so I want to explain in my update that all of humanity is being deceived and we should all unite. I had a dream once while I was researching this for the first time ten years ago. And in that dream, I saw a group of israeli people and a group of palestinian people. And they were facing each other on a square in the city, on a marketplace, and they were about to engage in battle. They were about to fight and kill each other. Suddenly, I heard a voice in that dream. And this voice said, there is no difference between israeli and palestinian people. There is no difference between israeli and palestinian people. Both have sinned. Both are guilty. Both need the forgiveness of God. And this message kept resounding. And I saw that the people were opening their eyes, opening their hearts, and they were softening, and they were acknowledging, we are the same. We are all guilty. We all need forgiveness. And instead of fighting each other, they embraced one another. And what I saw in that dream was so beautiful. And I’m like, this is what the world has to see. This violence and hatred is artificially incited.

Mike Adams 49:54

Yes, agreed, agreed. But. Okay, we only have a minute left, but when are you going to release us a follow up?

David Sorensen – 50:01

I can’t say I’m praying about it. I’m gathering information in a couple of months.

Mike Adams 50:07

Okay, all right.

David Sorensen – 50:08

A few months.

Mike Adams 50:08

So people can watch for that on your website again,

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