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Biden Fails Expectations

Debate Performance Disaster

Joe Biden’s performance in the first presidential debate against Donald Trump was widely panned by critics and observers. He failed to meet the low expectations set for him, and his debate was marred by incoherence, forgetfulness, and a lack of preparedness.

Incoherent and Forgetful

Biden’s responses were often incoherent and confusing, leaving many viewers scratching their heads. He frequently forgot the questions being asked and struggled to articulate his thoughts. This lack of clarity and coherence made it difficult for him to effectively counter Trump’s attacks and present his own policy proposals.

Failed to Meet Expectations

Biden’s debate performance was a disaster, and he failed to meet the low expectations set for him. He was expected to do better than Trump, but he ended up struggling to keep up with the former president’s attacks and lies.

Trump’s Performance

Trump, on the other hand, was his usual bombastic self. While his performance was not good, it was far more effective than Biden’s, as he was able to dominate the debate and make his points more clearly.

Impact on the Election

The debate is likely to have a significant impact on the election. Biden’s poor performance will likely damage his chances of winning the election, and Trump’s strong performance will likely boost his chances. The debate has set a low bar for Biden, and he will need to do much better in the next debate to recover from this setback.


In conclusion, Biden’s debate performance was a disaster. He failed to meet expectations, and his incoherent and forgetful responses made it difficult for him to effectively counter Trump’s attacks. Trump’s performance was more effective, and Biden’s lies and falsehoods will likely resonate with his supporters. The debate has set a low bar for Biden, and he will need to do much better in the next debate to recover from this setback.

To see a Fact Check on the debate click HERE.

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