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NYC Protest Begins🔥Truckers Block New York!

Trump SHUTDOWN New York. Thanks Investors & Truckers! New York is a Loser state! Truckers for Trump. NYC Shutdown:

TRUCKERS HIT NEW YORK CITY. After TRUMP Fraud Blow! No-Go Zone Declared Trump Truckers. NYC Crisis 2024. NYC faces complete shutdown as truckers threaten to paralyze state, ‘New Yorkers must stock up’. Why are US truckers boycotting New York City and will they be able to paralyse the city? Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank says New York IS A LOSER STATE and he will no longer invest in ‘loser’ New York. #NYCShutdown #LoserState #NyTruckers #TruckersforTrump #TexasVsBiden #TrumpVsNyc #nycmigrantcrisis

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