The Modern State of Israel – Steve Gregg
Steve Gregg · 97mins - SUMMARY - The transcript summarizes…
South Africa Case At The International Court Of Justice Against Israel
Most critical moments from the first day of the over…
Ashkenazi Jews Are Not Biblical Israelites
Brandon T. Ward 12–15 minutes Christians commonly believe, the Jews…
Mike Adams Interviews David Sorensen – Transcript Below
The video and transcript covers an interview between Mike Adams…
How did ancient Israel lose its covenant with God?
God’s Covenant With Israel God’s unique relationship with ancient Israel…
The Untold Story of Christian Zionism’s Rise to Power in the United States
The largest pro-Israel organization in the United States is not…
American Christian Zionism History, Theology and Implications – James Japan
About James Arendt 156–198 minutes by Michael Newkirk 8/15/2009 AN…
I Will Curse Them That Bless Thee
The following scriptures will prove some things about why America…