The image above shows two politicians standing next to a sign with a phrase attributed to the Bible: “Blessed are those who Bless Israel.“ Where is this phrase in the Bible? Search all day and you’ll not find it because it does not exist!
The verse often cited in relation to blessing Israel is Genesis 12:3, which in the King James Version (KJV) reads: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.“
This verse specifically addresses Abram (Abraham) and not Israel as a nation. You will hear or Christians say Abram was also that Abram was
This is a common misinterpretation or misapplication of the biblical text. The original promise was directed at Abram individually, with the broader context of blessing extending to his descendants, which eventually includes Israel. However, the exact phrase “Blessed are those who Bless Israel“ is not found in the Bible.
The majority of citizens in the United State do not recognize that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who by the way is a Zionist who does not even practice Judaism (quote from transcript below), manipulates politicians in the U.S. and panders to evangelical Christians. The church needs to understand they’ve been duped to believe that we must support Israel because Gen. 12:3 says we have to, but again this verse has nothing to do with Israel.

Okay. First, they’re not waging war in the name… Well, they don’t believe in this doctrine. Netanyahu is not a religious man at all. He does not follow Judaism at all. He does not eat kosher food. He does not keep the Sabbath. He does not believe in the 13 fundamentals of our religion. He is not a practicing Jew or an observant Jew or believing Jew at all in the slightest. He is number one, pandering to the evangelicals. Number two, he wants people to believe that he’s acting out of some sort of religious obligations, which he’s not. He wants to pander to the religious people, both religious Zionists, there are such things, and religious evangelicals.
He wants to pander to them. Netanyahu doesn’t believe one word he’s saying. They’re not waging a war in the name of Judaism. They’re waging a war for Israel. You know, they want it to look like a religious war. The reason is because if it’s a religious war, it’s a war against Amalek. It’s a war against Islamic Muslim fanatics. Such wars cannot, can never be solved. They can never stop. It’s just like the Hatfields and the McCoys.
You’re gonna stop them, you’re gonna get compromised. No one compromises their religion. So if it’s a religious war, it just goes on forever. They don’t want you to think, okay, well, maybe Israel can stop the war. Maybe they don’t have to make so many wars. Maybe a war is not necessary. Maybe negotiation is better. They don’t want you to believe that Jews are going to their death, okay? Never mind what they’re doing to Gaza.
The Israel itself is sending Jews to their death to fight a war for politics so that Netanyahu can stay in office for some other political reasons. If it’s Judaism and it’s your religion and your identity, then it… becomes, you become more committed to it, but it’s not. He’s lying, he doesn’t even believe that himself.
Key Points:
- Address to Abram: The directive and promises are specifically given to Abram. At this point in the narrative, Isaac and Jacob (who would later be named Israel) are not yet in the picture. The focus is entirely on Abram and his immediate actions and future.
- Personal Promises:
- Great Nation: God promises to make Abram into a great nation. This promise is about Abram’s future descendants, who will become numerous and significant.
- Personal Blessing: God promises to bless Abram personally, ensuring his well-being and prosperity.
- Great Name: Abram’s name will be renowned, indicating his legacy and influence.
- Being a Blessing: Abram himself will be a source of blessing to others.
- Protection and Mediation:
- Blessing and Cursing: Those who bless Abram will be blessed, and those who curse him will be cursed. This promise indicates divine protection and favor towards Abram.
- Universal Blessing: All peoples on earth will be blessed through Abram, pointing to the broader impact of his faith and obedience.
Understanding in Context:
- Abram’s Role: At this point, Abram is the recipient of God’s covenantal promises. The blessings and protection are directly related to his faithfulness and obedience.
- Future Implications: While these promises are given to Abram, they do have future implications for his descendants, including Isaac, Jacob (Israel), and the nation that would come from them. However, the immediate context of Genesis 12:1-3 is specifically addressing Abram.
- Modern Misapplications: Some interpretations extend these promises directly to the modern state of Israel or other entities, which can be a misreading of the specific context of Genesis 12. The original promise was to Abram as an individual, with future implications for his descendants, but not an immediate reference to the geopolitical entity of modern Israel.
Genesis 12:1-3 is a foundational passage that sets the stage for the Abrahamic covenant, starting with God’s direct promises to Abram. It is important to interpret these verses in their immediate context, recognizing that they address Abram personally and have implications for his descendants, but should not be directly conflated with later historical or modern entities without careful theological and contextual consideration.
See PDF transcript below of video interview of Rabbi Shapiro